Clinical Practice: Food Matters
Clinical Education and Advocacy Program
Food matters because what we eat profoundly impacts the health of individuals, communities, and the environment. Among the members of the U.S. population, exposure to energy-dense, nutritionally-depleted, chemical-laden, and environmentally-destructive food is ubiquitous. Obesity, diabetes, malnutrition, childhood cancer and other chronic diseases are the costly consequences of these exposures, both in terms of human well-being and healthcare expenditures. A complex industrialized food system underlies this state of nutritional affairs.
In addition to curriculum development and trainings, PRHE has contributed several papers and patient brochures to the Food Matters program.
- Pesticides Matter: Steps to Reduce Exposure and Protect Your Health
- Pesticides Matter: A Primer for Reproductive Health Physicians
- What to Eat: A Guide to Your Daily Food Choices
- Reproductive Health And The Industrialized Food System: A Point Of Intervention For Health Policy
For additional resources, visit the Food Matters Resources page.
The latest San Francisco Medical Society journal, San Francisco Medicine, is devoted to food and features an article co-authored by Robert Gould, MD, PRHE's Director of Health Professional Outreach and Education and Steve Helig, MPH, of the San Francisco Medical Society and Commonweal, titled Agricultural Antibiotics: Abuse in the Industry Leading to Crisis Stage in Human Medicine. The issue also includes an article co-authored by PRHE's FASTEP partner Lucia Sayre of San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility, Good Hospital Food: Moving From Oxymoron to Healthy and Sustainable. Read these and other articles here.
UCSF Center for Vulneral Populations and Youth Speaks have joined together to create The Bigger Picture - a video series created by youth and focusing on type 2 diabetes. The videos address the social and environmental factors change needed to prevent the spread of the disease. Watch the videos here.