California researchers who worked on a recent report on microplastics see EPA’s draft principles for considering cumulative risk under TSCA as an “important opportunity” to evaluate and regulate dangers the ubiquitous contaminants pose to human health and the environment, as they often include a wide range of toxic chemicals.
Bookieboo LLC claims to be the largest wellness consulting firm targeting moms on social media in the world. There is no basis provided for that claim, and when you see the kind of anti-science conspiracy gibberish they promote, you have to wonder if anything they say is true.
Scientists shed light on how microplastics in the environment are adversely impacting health and evaluated what governments have done to address the problem in the first report produced by the California State Policy Evidence Consortium (CalSPEC).
Inside his lab, the biggest on Stanford’s perennially sunny campus, the director of the Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine pulls up a seat and walks me through his very specific everyday carry.