Strengthening the Chemical Regulatory Process

How to Better Protect People and Communities from Harmful Chemicals

With chemical production and use on the rise, and evidence that many chemicals in everyday products are linked to health harms including cancer, infertility, and neurodevelopmental conditions, an interdisciplinary group of experts, including EPA veterans, recommend improvements in how science is used in decision-making to prevent harmful chemical exposures. 


Scientific Recommendations

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Consensus Statement

To better protect people from harmful chemicals, we recommend 5 principles for using science in hazard and risk assessment to improve chemical regulations by reflecting real-world risks.


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Assessing Population Variability

How to update assessment methods to better account for diversity and vulnerability to chemical risks resulting from exposure to multiple chemicals and non-chemical stressors like poverty and racism.


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Quantifying Non-Cancer Health Outcomes

An updated approach for estimating risk of health outcomes other than cancer that reflects the reality and diversity of the general population.


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Improving Exposure Assessment Methods

Four ways EPA can improve exposure assessments to protect public health, such as considering where people live or how they might be more susceptible to toxic chemicals.


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Regulating Chemicals by Class

EPA's approach to regulating hundreds of thousands of chemicals one at a time is not working. We recommend an approach for EPA to regulate toxic chemicals by class or group to better protect people.